Instructor: Professor Risa Wechsler Course Lectures: Tuesday / Thursday 1:30-2:50pm Hewlett 102 Office Hours: Monday 4-5pm Physics & Astrophysics Bldg, Rm 211 TAs: Junwu Huang, Warren Morningstar, Ken Van Tillburg for course communication, use piazza
Lecture Schedule
1. The Modern View of the Universe
2: Our place in the Universe
3. The Science of Astronomy
4. Energy and Motion
5. Gravity and Orbits
6. Light, the Cosmic Time Machine
Midterm 1
7. The Sun and other Stars
8. The Lives and Deaths of Stars
9. The Milky Way
10. The Galaxy Zoo
11. Galaxy Distances and Hubble's Law
12. Galaxy Evolution
Midterm 2
13. How did the Universe begin? Inflation
14. What is the Universe made of? Dark Matter
15. How does the Universe evolve? Structure Formation
16. What is the Fate of the Universe? Dark Energy
17. Surveying the Universe
18. The Next Decade of Cosmology
Course Requirements
If you want special permission to turn in work late, or to take an exam at a different time, YOU MUST MAKE ARRANGEMENTS WITH ME IN ADVANCE! As a rule, I only grant exceptions in truly exceptional cases, and do not grant them when it would not be fair to offer them to only one person in the class. For example, if you need to turn in a problem set late because you're having chemotherapy, I will gladly help accomodate you. However, if you would like to do extra credit work because you're disappointed in your grade, then I will probably not grant you an exception, unless I decide to offer it to the class as a whole. In general, keep me informed.